Friday, January 4, 2013

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION SUCCESS TIP #7 FROM MASTER SAM NAPLES: "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Nothing is over until we (you) decide it is. "

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION SUCCESS TIP #7 FROM MASTER SAM NAPLES: "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?   Nothing is over until we (you) decide it is."                                                                                               ~~ John Belushi

Did you watch the clip? It is one of my favorite from Animal House.    

We've talked about committing to a resolution and many of the other qualities necessary to succeed including starting below your ability in tip #6 and then working up to your ability and toward achievement.   

Another thing to do is to give yourself permission to fail.  Great fighters like Mohammed Ali and me have been hit.  The fight doesn't end because someone sneaks in a punch.  If fact the world is made up of Rocky stories of men that have been beaten and somehow dug down inside and found a way to win.  

Anyone that knew Coach Jim Tressel former head coach of Youngstown State University and Ohio State University what made him such a great coach was his ability to "find a way to win" no matter what the circumstances.  Fans were quite comfortable with the team being behind, they always found a way to win!

So if your goal is to quit smoking, in your plan figure and consider what you will do, what will happen if and when you slip up?  Give yourself permission to fail without throwing out the whole goal.  For so many people, it is all or nothing.  The commit to lose weight, eat a piece of chocolate cake and then scrap all of the work that they've done so far.  One piece of cake does not make a winner or loser.  If you slip up and have a cigarette, it may require hunkering down and considering what happened that caused you to slip up, maybe you need help, like counseling, NLP or hypnotherapy.  What ever. Plan to move past your failure with even stronger commitment to your goal. 

Make sure you don't miss any future success tips, and after you click the link below and like my page and then share it with your friends have a successful 2013!


  1. Really this is a interesting blog posting,i am appreciate to this blog post,
    Thanks for sharing valuable coach training

  2. Thanx Alistair and keep being amazing ~~ Sam
