Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Begin to Quit Smoking with this FREE Introduction to NLP-hypnotherapy

Some people love the HOLE
smoking experience: they love everything about cigarettes, the smell, the taste and find comfort in just holding the cigarette in their hand. These people are not serious about quitting smoking. 


. . .then attending this LIMITED TO 10 PEOPLE, FREE Introduction to NLP-hypnotherapy for smoking cessation at RINALDI PHYSICAL THERAPY on Tuesday November 18th at 6:30 PM will be the first step toward your freedom from cigarettes.  

Imagine how much better you will feel to be free of that filthy, expensive habit that has been limiting the quality of your life for so long. 

Think about how all of your friends and loved ones will all benefit from your quitting – they will no longer be  exposed to dangerous secondhand smoke.

Tried everything to stop smoking and FAILED? Afraid to FAIL AGAIN?  All the medical data and scare tactics have not helped you and the reason is simple.
The reason you smoke is because of unconscious emotional needs. These unconscious emotional needs MUST BE MET! Your unconscious mind has determined that smoking is a means for satisfying these needs, like providing comfort to someone who is anxious.

And smoking is a habit & habits can be created or eliminated in about 30 day.  Your unconscious mind controls smoking so it makes sense to harness the power of your mind to change your unconscious habits? In fact unless you provide yourself with a alternative way of getting those same emotional benefits that smoking provides, YOU WILL SMOKE AGAIN!!! Because YOU NEED TO!!!

MasterSamNaples-NLP-hypnotherapy 4 session NLP-2B-FREE from tobacco AND HEALTHY workshop is so much more than hypnosis.  In the four sessions we will uses cutting edge MIND/BODY techniques, like those used by athletes and olympians to enable you to eliminate this emotional need the same way that is was created. 

Seem like there is a battle going on inside of you? There is! There is part of you resisting, sabotaging your every efforts to quit smoking? Because smoking is meeting that need. How would you like to turn  that saboteur into an ally?  

In your first session, (THE FREE SESSION) we'll do an NLP-hypontherapy process to get the part of you that wants to quit smoking and the part of you that needs to smoke to work together to fulfill both of their emotional needs at the same time, they become a team!!!  We'll teach the part of you that creates the need to smoke that there are other ways to relax and find comfort  without tobacco.  

Enroll that night for the entire program, $200 (a $460 discount) and we'll schedule your second session, a One-on-One private session. 

The second session will be private session, a $159 value with MasterSamNaples.  We'll work on goal setting and get crystal clear about your addiction, including whom you smoke with, when and why and deal with the unconscious triggers that induce smoking.  Then we'll use the Time Line Method to reinforce your goal of returning to the non smoker of your youth. We'll also install an NLP PROPULSION SYSTEM that literally will make the idea of smoking repulsive to you. 

Thursday, November 25th at 6:30 will be the third session, a group session and I will use classical hypnotherapy to make your transition to being a non-smoker seamless and minimize or even eliminate the discomfort from the detox.  

The LAST group session will take place on Tuesday December 2nd at 6:30 and you will be hypnotized and while in trance, because hypnotic learning is better than conscious learning, I'll teach you self-hypnosis so that each night as you drift into restful sleep you’ll be reinforcing all of these changes.

This program consists of three group sessions and one private session and includes: Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnotherapy, Timeline Therapy, anchoring, NLP Propulsion Systems, The Journey Method and Self-hypnosis. By using all of these tools we  will deal with the emotions, the why-you-smoke from every possible angle.  To do this program one-on-one would cost as much as $660 but thanks to RINALDI PHYSICAL THERAPY we're able to do this as a group event and to reduce the price to $200, (You save $460.00, THANK YOU: Mike, Amy and Angelo). 

Act quickly to register for this limited NLP-2B FREE from tobacco AND HEALTHY program and by calling AMY at 330-629-8834.

Tobacco use in the United States causes more than 440,000 deaths each year. Of those deaths, 170,000 are from cancer.

Once  you quit smoking, you will add healthy years to your life and you will significantly lower your risk of death from lung cancer and other diseases.

The positive effects of quitting begin very soon after you stop using tobacco and continue long after you’ve quit. Within 20 minutes of smoking that last cigarette, your body starts making healthy changes that will continue for years. 

Your blood pressure, pulse and body temperature, which were abnormally elevated by nicotine, return to normal.
• Carbon monoxide and oxygen levels in your blood return to normal.
• Nerve endings start to re-grow; your ability to taste and smell improves.
• Your breathing passages relax, lung capacity goes up and your breathing becomes easier.
• Your circulation improves and your lungs become stronger, making it easier to walk.
• Lung function returns to normal and coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease.
• Your overall energy level increases. 

For only $200, a $460 discount receive three group sessions and one private session with Master Sam Naples using Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnotherapy, Timeline Therapy, anchoring, NLP Propulsion Systems, The Journey Method and Self-hypnosis. Everything but and the kitchen sink. By using all of these tools we  will deal with the emotions, the why-you-smoke from every possible angle.  To do this program one-on-one would cost as much as $660 but thanks to RINALDI PHYSICAL THERAPY we're able to do this as a group event and to reduce the price to $200, (You save $460.00, THANK YOU: Mike, Amy and Angelo). 

Act quickly to register for this limited NLP-2B FREE from tobacco AND HEALTHY program and by calling AMY at 330-629-8834.