Friday, January 4, 2013

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION SUCCESS TIP #6 FROM MASTER SAM NAPLES: Rome wasn't built in a day, under perform and build to mastery.

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION SUCCESS TIP #6 FROM MASTER SAM NAPLES: Rome wasn't built in a day, under perform and build to mastery.

One of the surest ways to fail at anything is to overdo it at the beginning. Building gradually to your ideal is the best way to improve your talent, endurance and self esteem while moving toward your goal.  

Let me share a little taekwondo secret with you.  When Grandmaster Chun taught a new sparring skill to the class one of the ways that I developed for learning to use the technique was to spar with little kids.  I'd use it with 11-14 year old kids that were advanced belts for 2 reasons.  First, they were advanced enough that they had timing and skill that was comparable to fighting with and adult and secondly and most importantly, if I screwed up they weren't going to hurt me.  The key to fearlessly developing the timing to use a new, advanced martial arts technique was being able to do it safely and with young students I knew I wouldn't hurt them and I wasn't concerned about them hurting me. 

 First I'd use it on advanced kids until I could score all the time with the technique, then move up to intermediate (blue-green belt) adults, then advanced adults (brown belts) and then black belts, who will punish you for any technical failure.   By starting in a controlled environment I could be certain that I would master the technique safely and then move on up the ranks of more and more difficulty. This is what you should do with your new years resolution too. 

If you goal is to learn to make money trading stocks, your goal shouldn't start with making $200 per day or $4,000 per month.  It might with studying, going to seminars and paper trading.  Then advancing to trying to earn (or lose) only twice as much as the transaction fee, say $20 per day.  Slowly increasing the amount as well as using new and advanced techniques like leaps and straddles first on paper before using real money.  

The key is to not start off so big that if you make a mistake, miss a day or a goal it demoralizes you.  

Robert Kiyosaki said to always set goals that are way below your abilities to insure success at the beginning and then keep raising your standards as your experience increases.    

The same concept also happens in the NCAA basket ball tournaments, the best teams always play the weakest teams first, so that the best teams get an easy warm-up and the weakest teams are eliminated early on so that they don't sneak into the Final 4. 

So when making your plan with your mentor, make sure that your plans include under-performing early on so that you enter the most challenging situations with experience, and focus!  

Make sure you don't miss any future success tips, and after you click the link below and like my page and then share it with your friends have a successful 2013!

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