Wednesday, January 9, 2013


On December 31st I began writing this series of tips to help you to enjoy a more successful new year using the and to help you keep your 2013 Resolutions maybe for the first time.  

These tips included: 1) It's not time to change, until you Make Time to change!; 2) Your Resolution should control your schedule, rather than your schedule controlling your resolution;  3) A resolution is a wish unless you've committed yourself to it's achievement; 4) All the emotional resources you need are within you now, but other resources you must make a financial commitment to; 5) Keep a journal and update it daily as you work your plan; 6)  Rome wasn't built in a day, under perform and build to mastery; 7)"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?   Nothing is over until we (you) decide it is." and 8) "If I could save time in a bottle" . . . But you can't!  

In case you've missed any of the posts and to reinforce what I've written I'm reposting all of the previous 8 success tips.  Please enjoy them and begin implementing then into your life.

TIP #1  It's not time to change, until you Make Time to change!

Year-after-year we make New Years Resolutions like starting a new workout routine or whatever and never really consider that the resolution is going to require time for its accomplishment.

If you're intention is to go to a gym like Fitness Together (my friend Erin's club) and workout 3x per week, you need to think about what are the 4 1/2 hours per per week of "stuff" that you're going to eliminate in order to have the time to train properly and consistently. Also if there is an expense do you have extra money already set aside or are you going to have to eliminate certain unhealthy spending habits in order to afford your workout routine?

SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS -- While you're considering your resolutions, also consider what the time and financial requirements are and make sure your goal is realistic and congruent with your lifestyle before you make a commitment to a new goal for 2013 and keep your eyes open for more NEW YEARS RESOLUTION SUCCESS TIPS FROM Master Sam 

TIP #2: Your Resolution should control your schedule, rather than your schedule controlling your resolution.

To will only be successful in achieving your goal to the extent that you make that goal a priority.  You must remain committed to your goal and resist anything that gets in the way or is contrary to its achievement.  

To insure that you are successful, it is critical that you plan and schedule (actually write it down, psychologically you’re more committed once a goal is written down) the times that you’re allotting to your goal before you schedule anything else: this includes PTA, coffee, book club, bible study, happy hour, watching sports, toast masters, rotary, etc.,  

You might be shocked that I’ve included bible study in this list, purposefully so.  I’m not by any means implying that bible study is not important. I’m saying that to be successful, your goal has to be center focus in your life! And to be so it must be centrally focused in your schedule. You must work your bible study around resolution time. 

The important thing to realize and focus upon is controlling your time in order to be successful in your chase after you goal.  

TIP #3: A resolution is a wish unless you've committed yourself to it's achievement.

When ever someone wishes to change we NLP'ers first develop a well formed outcome, which includes making sure that you've allotted time, money and resources as well as decided that you're committed the other life style changes that are necessary for the achievement of your goal. 

Another requirement is personal integrity, which is integrity with your self.  Many of the most integrious people to others do not keep their word to themselves.  So when you commit yourself to a goal or outcome you must recognize that your commitment to yourself must be as strong as giving your word to others.  Making a commitment to yourself that you do not keep with the best intentions not only damages your self esteem, but it also makes it easier to go back on your word to others.  
A Neuro-Linguistic Programming tool for goal setting focuses upon the emotions that drive your behavior. When setting your goal first think of something that you have committed to that you are certain you'll keep.  For example, "I'm committed to brushing my teeth every day."  Now when you think of this commitment notice how you feel in your body, and where the feelings of commitment are.   As you continue to form your new resolution notice the feelings that exist in your body and if they are the same as the other commitment.  If the feelings are not the same as some commitment you're sure you'll keep, the chances are the you'll not keep the new resolution.  
If you need help creating congruent resolutions a few hours with a Neuro-Linguistic Programmer can help you to create a well formed goal that your unconscious mind will treat as inevitable as brushing you teeth every morning. 

TIP #4: All the emotional resources you need are within you now, but other resources you must make a financial commitment to.

There are two components required for the achievement of every resolution! Emotional resources Knowledge resources and Physical resources.  I'm going to skip over the Emotional resources for now, with the caveat that through Neuro-Linguistic Programming you can call me now at 330-501-8599 to learn to find and use all of the emotional juice to achieve your goal, your resolution, so that "ALL YOU NEED IS WITHIN YOU NOW!"The other resources must be purchase either with time, money  or both. 
The first is Knowledge  whether your goal is to improve your business or to improve your health you're going to need specialized knowledge.  This can come by going to the library or Barns & Noble and exploring the issue and becoming your own professional, or and the choice I recommend is hiring a professional to guide you.   
Whether your goal is to improve your marketing, sales or health there are audio, video, coaches and trainers that guide you toward your goal.  It can cut time off of and improve the quality of your outcome by sitting down with a professional and forming a reasonable plan for your success, or if your doing this on your own the Barnes & Noble way, then take notes and begin to formulate a reasonable plan for it's achievement. 
We taught the Black Belt Success System at my dojung (taekwondo school).   Which was: 1) have a goal (your resolution) 2) find a mentor (coach, trainer) that has already achieved what you intend to achieve and formulate a plan 3) take massive action (most people try one or two approaches and give up, that is why they are called 'most people.'  Outstanding people that you should emulate are always trying many different things)  and 4) review your results tweak your plan and then recommit yourself to your goal.   This formula is works whether your goal is to earn a black belt and become a top ranking salesman or getting into that perfect dress size.  
Often goals require the purchase of physical things, tools is you will, like an new software program, planner, or piece of exercise equipment.  While formulating your goal you should consider the finances you have available and choose the best options.  Make sure to talk to professionals before you run out and buy "stuff" because their experience will steer you toward the most best and most economical equipment and supplies. 
So as you're formulating and focusing upon your goals remember that it takes a commitment of time, resources and emotional muscle to make real changes and to succeed at your challenges. And a good thing to remember is The Black Belt Success System:  have a goal, find a mentor and make a plan, take massive action and review and recommit to your goal. 

TIP #5: Keep a journal and update it daily as you work your plan. 

Kaizan or C.A.N.E.I.  Continuous And Never Ending Improvement.   This concept was actually taught to the Japanese by Edward Demings  and is also part of the Black Belt Success system from the previous article ( that comes under the title of Review and Renew.  The concept of C.A.N.E.I. is that if there is just some infinitesimal improvement every day, in a short time there will be significant change and improvement.
This is the a critical point of achieving any goal.    If you walk into a taekwondo school and think about earning a black belt ( a 4 year process), the thought of the amount of work and time commitment can be overwhelming.  But  break the goal down into belts going from white, orange, yellow, blue, purple, green, brown black belt on probation and 1st degree black and focus upon moving one belt and a time with Blue being equal to one years training, green at 1/2 way to black, black belt on probation is 3/4 of the way and first degree being the ultimate goal. Then focusing upon moving up the ranks one belt at a time, one year at a time it doesn't seem overwhelming. This is the concept of Kaizan or CANEI.

So with your goal begin be planning how much time it will take to accomplish your goal, say 12 months.  Then guesstimate where you should be in 6 months, then three months, then one month, continuing to break each step into smaller and smaller chunks until you end up with daily goals.  Then each day as you work your plan and write in your journal, you will remain focused upon and working toward your goal.

It may turn out that you're moving faster than you expect or you might find challenges that slow you down which will require that you work harder.   In either case, keeping records will insure that you stay aimed and focused upon your goal.

TIP #6: Rome wasn't built in a day, under perform and build to mastery.

One of the surest ways to fail at anything is to overdo it at the beginning. Building gradually to your ideal is the best way to improve your talent, endurance and self esteem while moving toward your goal.  

Let me share a little taekwondo secret with you.  When Grandmaster Chun taught a new sparring skill to the class one of the ways that I developed for learning to use the technique was to spar with little kids.  I'd use it with 11-14 year old kids that were advanced belts for 2 reasons.  First, they were advanced enough that they had timing and skill that was comparable to fighting with and adult and secondly and most importantly, if I screwed up they weren't going to hurt me.  The key to fearlessly developing the timing to use a new, advanced martial arts technique was being able to do it safely and with young students I knew I wouldn't hurt them and I wasn't concerned about them hurting me. 
 First I'd use it on advanced kids until I could score all the time with the technique, then move up to intermediate (blue-green belt) adults, then advanced adults (brown belts) and then black belts, who will punish you for any technical failure.   By starting in a controlled environment I could be certain that I would master the technique safely and then move on up the ranks of more and more difficulty. This is what you should do with your new years resolution too. 

If you goal is to learn to make money trading stocks, your goal shouldn't start with making $200 per day or $4,000 per month.  It might with studying, going to seminars and paper trading.  Then advancing to trying to earn (or lose) only twice as much as the transaction fee, say $20 per day.  Slowly increasing the amount as well as using new and advanced techniques like leaps and straddles first on paper before using real money.  
The key is to not start off so big that if you make a mistake, miss a day or a goal it demoralizes you.  
Robert Kiyosaki said to always set goals that are way below your abilities to insure success at the beginning and then keep raising your standards as your experience increases.    
The same concept also happens in the NCAA basket ball tournaments, the best teams always play the weakest teams first, so that the best teams get an easy warm-up and the weakest teams are eliminated early on so that they don't sneak into the Final 4. 
So when making your plan with your mentor, make sure that your plans include under-performing early on so that you enter the most challenging situations with experience, and focus!  
TIP #7: "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? (Please watch this clip)   Nothing is over until we (you) decide it is."                                   ~~ John Belushi

Did you watch the clip? It is one of my favorite from Animal House.    

We've talked about committing to a resolution and many of the other qualities necessary to succeed including starting below your ability in tip #6 and then working up to your ability and toward achievement.   

Another thing to do is to give yourself permission to fail.  Great fighters like Mohammed Ali and me have been hit.  The fight doesn't end because someone sneaks in a punch.  If fact the world is made up of Rocky stories of men that have been beaten and somehow dug down inside and found a way to win.  

Anyone that knew Coach Jim Tressel former head coach of Youngstown State University and Ohio State University what made him such a great coach was his ability to "find a way to win" no matter what the circumstances.  Fans were quite comfortable with the team being behind, they always found a way to win!

So if your goal is to quit smoking, in your plan figure and consider what you will do, what will happen if and when you slip up?  Give yourself permission to fail without throwing out the whole goal.  For so many people, it is all or nothing.  The commit to lose weight, eat a piece of chocolate cake and then scrap all of the work that they've done so far.  One piece of cake does not make a winner or loser.  If you slip up and have a cigarette, it may require hunkering down and considering what happened that caused you to slip up, maybe you need help, like counseling, NLP or hypnotherapy.  What ever. Plan to move past your failure with even stronger commitment to your goal. 
TIP #8: "If I could save time in a bottle" . . . But you can't! 

This series of Tips began with the concept of allocating time each weak or day for working on your goal or resolution.  We're going to go back and discuss time management again.  In the very first Tip we discussed how you should set yourself up for success by making sure that you have and are willing to allocate all the time and resources necessary for the achievement of your goal.  But that is only 1/2 of the Time Management conundrum.

There are two parts to time management, the first involves you're willingness to allocate time to the accomplishment of your goal.   The second aspect of time management involves dealing with interruptions loved ones and others that will try to distract you from the achievement of your goal.   To deal with this issue is possibly more difficult than dealing with the latter.

For example: I was working with a business man who was stuck financially using Neuro-Linguistic Programming.  He was scheduled for his session and at the last moment he called and said, "A yeah, my kids want me to take them to the mall, so I'm going to have to miss today's session."  I was pissed! And he still had to pay me, I require a credit card in order to book a session, but I totally resent and will not tolerate having my time wasted.

Not only did he waste my time, I'm booked out two weeks in advance, which means that there is someone who would have loved to have worked with me that day that I didn't get a chance to help, and I'm all about helping others.

One of the best time management books I've ever read is not about business, it's not even about time management.  It's about dating.  The book "The Rules: Time-tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right"  though written about dating is really a strategy for developing respect from "Mr. Right."   I'm not going to over do the explanation of the book because you can  get it and read it yourself. But it has principles like, "If you don't call be before Wednesday, I've plans this weekend, even if my plans are to sit around all alone and watch TV.  Buy applying most of the principles in this book, you not only will teach people how to respect you, but you'll also learn to discipline yourself to respect your schedule.

That is really what this last tip is about, developing respect for your schedule and yourself, regardless of how you do it.   If something is important enough for you to call it a resolution or goal, than it is important enough for you to have personal integrity and also demand that those around you respect your schedule.

So no matter how you choose to develop a method of managing you life and your time, in order to succeed at your 2013 resolution, you must also be resolved to keep your commitment to yourself, no matter who or what tries to distract you, including you! 
Have an amazing 2013 and to insure that your stay up to date on the most most current health, motivational, fitness, nutrition, weight loss, smoking cessation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnotherapy, The Journey Method, meditation, seminars, events and programs put on by MasterSamNaples-NLP-hypnotherapy.Com  

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