Sunday, July 1, 2012

Optimum Health Inner Circle , Issue #007 -- Fourth of July Issue June 25, 2012

The Power of Decision and America’s Independence 

It’s unusually late in the month for me to be working on this, the newsletter, It’s usually done an put to bed by the 15th but I’ve been working on a special report for physicians, “NLP-hypnotherapy Really Works” and I’m behind on everything else. 

As I was reviewing and researching all of the scientific and anecdotal evidence about the effectiveness of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy, one thing strikes me. “The ability to change and heal are directly proportional to the strength of your belief that you are will change and heal.”

This concept is called many things by many different groups, some calling it faith and science calling it The “placebo” and “nocebo” effects. For those of you not acquainted with the nocebo effect concept, it is the idea that a negative belief will cause illness and disease just as a positive belief will causes health and healing. 

No matter what you call it, more and more science is becoming aware that the mind is an important part of every experiment. Both what the subjects believe and the results the experimenters believe. 

There has been a battle going on in medicine since the Simonton Study, which began when Dr. Simonton told someone dying of throat cancer that they were having amazing results with people visualizing the cancer being healed and it actually being healed. The patient did the visualization and the cancer went away. No one was more surprised then Dr. Simonton because “he’d made the whole thing up!” When he told the patient that, he wasn’t trying to heal him, he was just trying to give him some hope. 

This event is the unofficial beginning of the study of mind body medicine. It was shortly after this even that the a study was written about in a medical journal claiming that the beliefs and attitude of the patient had no effect what-so-ever on whether they got better or not. This caused an uproar in the medical community as thousands of physicians wrote to the journal with countless examples of “hopeless cases,” people that healed because of the patients beliefs and attitude because the physicians could do nothing.  

One of the interesting things about this whole phenomenon which adds support to the concept is that scientists, experimenters that do not believe that attitude and belief make any difference seem to do experiments that “prove” that attitude and belief have no effect. Other experimenters holding the opposite beliefs continue to find results that confirm their ‘belief’ that attitudes and beliefs do have an affect upon healing. 

Truly what you believe creates the world that you life in. Even to the affect that is effects the results of your research. 

The other day I had lunch with my good friend Ed Crino, who has a master's degree in psychology and has been my friend since I was 21 was asking why I had not had hip/back surgery? For those of you that don’t know the story, I was training all alone back in 1980 at the prime of my career as a martial artist and tore a muscle. The result is what you see. But since the day that injury happened I’ve had a sense of knowing, a belief, that since what ever occurred, happened from the inside out, it could be healed from the inside out. 

This belief led me to my interest in hypnosis, Edgar Casey and natural healing, to Anthony Robbins, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and The Journey Method. I truly believe that because of the people I’ve worked with (and it’s only been one year), that the world is a better place because of this belief and this news letter exists and you're reading it because of that injury and my beliefs have brought me here. Though the kitty has delayed it slightly. 

F.Y.I. There are only a handful of NLP Practitioners in Ohio, even less Master Practitioners and my friend Augi and I are the only two Licensed Trainers of NLP in Ohio, so I have a mission to spread the word. So “WORD!”


P.S. If you’d like a copy of the report “NLP-hypnotherapy Really Works!”, because it is full color it costs me about $20 each to print, but I can send it to you for free as a PDF just by sending an email to with NLP-hypnotherapy Really Works written in the subject line.
Also you might have noticed that the title of this article “The Power of Decision and America’s Independence” has nothing to do with the article. Well, it is a really good title and sometimes as articles are writing themselves they get away from me. Woops, blushing. But traditionally around the 4th of July I send out an article The Power of Decision borrowed from Napoleon Hill’s famous Think And Grow Rich, which incidentally is about the power of belief. So watch out for that article around the 4th and make July amazing! 


P.S. Please go to and LIKE the FACEBOOK page where where l present the most current health, motivational, fitness, nutrition, weight loss, smoking cessation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnotherapy, The Journey, meditation, seminars, events and programs put on by

P.P.S. These are some of the many issues that NLP-hypnotherapy can address, if you have any friends like you that might benefit from NLP-hypnotherapy, thanks in advance for recommending them to me: Dis-ease, *Agoraphobia, Allergies, Anger Management, Bed wetting, Childbirth, Chronic Pain, Dental Procedures, Distress, *Examination Anxiety, Exercise, Fears, Focused Attention, Grief, Guided Imagery, *Headache, *High Blood Pressure, Learning skills, *Medical Procedures, Memory, Motivation, Nail Biting, Performing Arts, *Phobias, *P.T.S.D., Procrastination, Public Speaking, Peaceful Sleep, *Regression, Relationship, Relaxation, Salesmanship, Self confidence, Self control, Self esteem, Sexual Enhancement, Smoking Cessation, Sports Performance, Stress Management, Study Skills, Stuttering, and Weight Loss.

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