Established in 1978, the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming of Society of NLP™ is a worldwide organization set up for the purpose of exerting quality control over those training programs and services claiming to represent the model of Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ (NLP™).
Student’s wishing to be certified by Dr. Richard Bandler, father and co-founder of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and John LaValle or Licensed Trainers of Neuro-Linguistic Programming that have been licensed by Bandler and LaValle should look for the Society logo seen above.
The presentation of the above logo on documents and promotional materials indicates that the trainer has been trained by and meets the standards of Dr. Richard Bandler, NLP's . . . . . click here to go to the MasterSamNaples-NLP-hypnotherapy.com's Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming webpage and also when you get a chance please go to the MasterSamNaples-NLP-hypnotherapy.com Facebook Page and LIKE it.
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