Enroll now in Sunday November 6th’s “GUARANTEED NLP-2REGAIN YOU’RE IDEAL weight” three hour workshop and change your eating habits for good.
I’m Master Sam Naples, a taekwondo 7th degree black belt and master instructor. My whole life was about discipline and self control . . .
Until my back injure made it impossible to work out
I was use to eating 4 big meals a day and working out 5 or more hours per day. Weight was never an issue, until that life changing injury that caused me to gain 70 lbs. and ultimately caused me to give up my taekwondo career . . .
In taekwondo I was interested in the power of the mind, how a teenage girl could break a board that a full grown man could not break. What was going on here?
I competed in the martial arts for 10 years and I hate to lose. I HATE IT!!! And with each new diet or program I tried I became more frustrated and angry with myself.
Then one day while studying about NLP decision strategies I started thinking about when I make good food decisions, . . . . click here if you'd like to read the rest of this article go to the MasterSamNaples-NLP-hypnotherapy.com Facebook event and while your at it please check out and LIKE the MasterSamNaples-NLP-hypnotherapy.com Facebook Page
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