Monday, October 31, 2011

Dr. Dave Dobson . . .

. . . considered himself a de-hypnotist and he believed that his skills were to help people overcome their crossed files and to become a more congruent and therefore happier, healthier people.

Dr. Dave Dobson was the soul mate of my teacher and friend the Legendary NLP Master Trainer, Barbara Stepp . It is with the utmost respect that I attempt to talk about Dr. Dobson and his contributions to the field of Psychotherapy and hypnotherapist. Regretfully the author never had the honor to meet Dave Dobson.

Though Milton Erickson ’s hypnosis skills were quantified and duplicated by the NLP co-founders, Dr. Dobson concepts were also studied by Bandler and Grinder , the NLP Co-founders and one of their early seminars it took place in Dobson’s living room, this was before they were using the name Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Dr. Richard Bandler has said that the hypnotic voice in his head was Dave Dobson’s.

One of the legendary Dobson’s specialties . . . . if you'd like to read the rest of this article on Dr. Dave Dobson click here to go to the website's Gregory Bateson Page.



P.S. Please go to and LIKE the FACEBOOK page where where l present the most current health, motivational, fitness, nutrition, weight loss, smoking cessation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnotherapy, The Journey method, meditation, seminars, events and programs put on by

P.P.S. These are some of the many issues that NLP-hypnotherapy can address, if you have any friends like you that might benefit from NLP-hypnotherapy, thanks in advance for recommending me to them: Dis-ease, *Agoraphobia, Allergies, Anger Management, Bed wetting, Childbirth, Chronic Pain, Dental Procedures, Distress, *Examination Anxiety, Exercise, Fears, Focused Attention, Grief, Guided Imagery, *Headache, *High Blood Pressure, Learning skills, *Medical Procedures, Memory, Motivation, Nail Biting, Performing Arts, *Phobias, *P.T.S.D., Procrastination, Public Speaking, Peaceful Sleep, *Regression, Relationship, Relaxation, Salesmanship, Self confidence, Self control, Self esteem, Sexual Enhancement, Smoking Cessation, Sports Performance, Stress Management, Study Skills, Stuttering, and Weight Loss.


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Gregory Bateson

Gregory Bateson was the legendary anthropologist that had an enormous affect upon NLP founders Richard Bandler and John Grinder as well as Robert Dilts who had a significant effect upon NLP’s development. In later years Bateson moved to and eventually passed away at California’s new age haven, Esalen Institute where he shared his views with and friendship with the renowned LSD and Holotropic Breathing researchers Stanislaus and Christina Grof.

Gregory Bateson was born in England in 1904 and attended Cambridge where he studied biology and linguistics. At the age of 33 he moved to Palo Alto, California where he continued is teaching and developed an interest in and knowledge of systems theory. It was during this time that he met the famed systems theorist and anthropologist Margaret Mead whom he eventually would wed.

Gregory Bateson was invited to be a core member of The Macy Conferences which were a set of meetings of scholars from various disciplines held in New York by the initiative of Warren McCulloch and the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation from 1946 to 1953. The principal purpose of these series of conferences was to set the foundations for a general science of the workings of the human mind. It was one of the first interdisciplinary studies done which was the catalyst to the development of systems theory, cybernetics, and what later became known as cognitive science. Other core members were Margaret Mead whom Bateson was married from 1936-47 and psychologist Eric Erickson.

During Gregory’s early years as an anthropologist . . . . if you'd like to read the rest of this article on Dr. Bateson please click here to go to the website's Gregory Bateson Page.



P.S. Please go to and LIKE the FACEBOOK page where where l present the most current health, motivational, fitness, nutrition, weight loss, smoking cessation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnotherapy, The Journey, meditation, seminars, events and programs put on by

P.P.S. These are some of the many issues that NLP-hypnotherapy can address, if you have any friends like you that might benefit from NLP-hypnotherapy, thanks in advance for recommending them to me: Dis-ease, *Agoraphobia, Allergies, Anger Management, Bed wetting, Childbirth, Chronic Pain, Dental Procedures, Distress, *Examination Anxiety, Exercise, Fears, Focused Attention, Grief, Guided Imagery, *Headache, *High Blood Pressure, Learning skills, *Medical Procedures, Memory, Motivation, Nail Biting, Performing Arts, *Phobias, *P.T.S.D., Procrastination, Public Speaking, Peaceful Sleep, *Regression, Relationship, Relaxation, Salesmanship, Self confidence, Self control, Self esteem, Sexual Enhancement, Smoking Cessation, Sports Performance, Stress Management, Study Skills, Stuttering, and Weight Loss.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Do you ever need a nap after a meal?

The Healthy Food, Healthy Life program teaches you the
newest most cutting edge
nutrition principles available.

Dear friends, clients and members,

In 1989 I went to the original Boathouse in Boardman for lunch and had a bacon-cheese burger and about 3 cups of strong black coffee for lunch. I should have been ready to take on the world, but after that meal I was literally out of it and felt like I’d taken a vallium! But it gets worse. Like so many other times after a wonderful meal I went back to the taekwondo studio (I assume that everyone in the world and their brother knows that I use to teach taekwondo) and was unable to function, I had to take a nap. When I woke up having wasted about 90 minutes I was angry. “Food is supposed to give you energy, not suck the life out of you . . . . . . I thought on that hot summer day in 1989.” That was the beginning of my interest in nutrition. And on Monday November 7th I’m going to be teaching the system that I learned back in 1989, for FREE. Why for free you ask? I’ll answer that in two paragraphs. The day before this seminar . . . . . click here to go to the Facebook event and read the rest of this article. To your health, Sam

Monday, October 24, 2011

International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, IMDHA

The International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association is the largest Hypnosis organization focusing on Hypnosis and Health Care.

Founded in 1986, The International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association promotes greater acceptance of hypnosis as a complementary protocol with broad applications. Today, IMDHA offers workshops, certification and networking opportunities that can enhance both one’s professional and personal life.

The International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association is unique among Hypnosis organizations. Their members are required to take a minimum of 120 hours (this number is being increased to 200) of Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy Education an earn 30 continuing hours of education each year to maintain Certified Hypnotherapist status, CHt. The members cross a broad range of occupations and professions. They include and are not limited to: psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, doctors, nurses, dentists as well as teachers, addictions counselors, ministers, and a vast variety of therapists. As an interdisciplinary organization, The International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association provides an opportunity to learn from and interact with colleagues in diverse holistic health care disciplines. This allows for cross fertilization of ideas and applications that meshes neatly with current trends, such as mind-body-spirit health and integrative medicine.

General Statement

Today, hypnosis is solidly established in medical schools and universities throughout the U.S. and Europe. Stanford University, under the guidance of Ernest R. Hilgard, founded in 1957, the Laboratory of Hypnosis Research. Since that time . . . . . . click here to read the rest of this article at the website.

P.S. While you're at it check out and LIKE the Facebook page

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Milton Erickson . .

. . . or Milton H. Erickson to be exact was the founder of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.

Dr. Milton Erickson is included on this website not only because he was a brilliant hypnotist but because of his effect upon Dr.’s Bandler and Grinder and the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Milton Erickson was born in Nevada in 1901 but grew up on a farm in Lowell, Wisconsin and was a sickly child that was both dyslexic and color blind and in fact the only color he could see was purple so he often wore and surrounded himself with the color purple.

Milton Erickson developed polio at the age of 17 and they expected him to die but through force-of-will he kept himself alive. He had planned to be a farmer but because of his physical inabilities he figured he could be a physician, it’s not as hard as farming. While sick in bed with polio Milton Erickson began studying the language patterns of his siblings noticing how one could say “yes” and mean “no” and vice versa. This ambiguity became important in his hypnotic . . . . . . . click here to go to the website to read the rest of this article on Milton Erickson and while you're at it please click here to check out and LIKE the Facebook Page

These are some of the issues that NLP-hypnotherapy can address, if you have any friends like you that might benefit from NLP-hypnotherapy, thanks in advance for recommending them to me: Dis-ease, *Agoraphobia, allergies, Anger Management, Bed wetting, Childbirth, Chronic Pain, Dental Procedures, Distress, *Examination Anxiety, Exercise, Fears, Focused Attention, Grief, Guided Imagery, *Headache, *High Blood Pressure, Learning skills, *Medical Procedures, Memory, Motivation, Nail Biting, Performing Arts, *Phobias, *PTSD, Procrastination, Public Speaking, Peaceful Sleep, *Regression, Relationship, Relaxation, Salesmanship, Self confidence, Self control, Self esteem, Sexual Enhancement, Smoking Cessation, Sports Performance, Stress Management, Study Skills, Stuttering, and Weight Loss.

The Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Established in 1978, the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming of Society of NLP™ is a worldwide organization set up for the purpose of exerting quality control over those training programs and services claiming to represent the model of Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ (NLP™).

Student’s wishing to be certified by Dr. Richard Bandler, father and co-founder of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and John LaValle or Licensed Trainers of Neuro-Linguistic Programming that have been licensed by Bandler and LaValle should look for the Society logo seen above.

The presentation of the above logo on documents and promotional materials indicates that the trainer has been trained by and meets the standards of Dr. Richard Bandler, NLP's . . . . . click here to go to the's Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming webpage and also when you get a chance please go to the Facebook Page and LIKE it.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

If you can lick a stamp, you can lick your weight problem.

Enroll now in Sunday November 6th’s “GUARANTEED NLP-2REGAIN YOU’RE IDEAL weight” three hour workshop and change your eating habits for good.

I’m Master Sam Naples, a taekwondo 7th degree black belt and master instructor. My whole life was about discipline and self control . . .

Until my back injure made it impossible to work out

I was use to eating 4 big meals a day and working out 5 or more hours per day. Weight was never an issue, until that life changing injury that caused me to gain 70 lbs. and ultimately caused me to give up my taekwondo career . . .


In taekwondo I was interested in the power of the mind, how a teenage girl could break a board that a full grown man could not break. What was going on here?

I competed in the martial arts for 10 years and I hate to lose. I HATE IT!!! And with each new diet or program I tried I became more frustrated and angry with myself.

Then one day while studying about NLP decision strategies I started thinking about when I make good food decisions, . . . . click here if you'd like to read the rest of this article go to the Facebook event and while your at it please check out and LIKE the Facebook Page

John and Kathleen LaValle

John and Kathleen LaValle run NLP Seminars Group International and handle the business part of NLP events in the United States as well as working as Dr. Bandler’s booking agent throughout the world.

John came across Neuro-Linguistic Programming by attending an “evening of NLP” type event and knew that he wanted more. He was involved in the corporate world working in human resources for a large company. He told his boss more than 20 years ago that he was going to take an NLP seminar and convinced his boss to attend with him.

John was a tenacious student, practicing and trying everything that he learned, sometimes using his skills on . . . .

To continue reading this article please go The website.