Monday, August 6, 2012


Personal Integrity, keeping commitments to yourself

It’s 7:30 AM and I’ve been working for two and one half hours already this morning. As I’m writing this at it’s already 75 degrees and I’m using all of my skills including positive self talk and deep breathing to not throw my printer out of the second story window of my office, LoL  The humidity is causing all of the paper to stick together and it jams up about every 3rd copy. When it’s this humid, there is not much you can do.   

The other day I was discussing the concept, maybe a new concept for some of you, “Integrity with yourself.”  I first learned about this concept from the business and marketing guru Dan Kennedy.  Dan talks about how when he puts something into he planner for the day, he does not go to sleep until he has completed everything he’s put on his calendar.  

As we discussed the concept, it turned out that the concept was quite new to most of the people at the table. Now the people engaged in this discussion with me were successful business people.  People with integrity who’s word is gold. If they make a commitment you can take it to the bank that they will keep it. Including their commitments to themselves.
This was something that I learned from my many years In taekwondo, that the most successful people, the truly grandest of masters had the strongest sense of integrity, including their commitments to themselves. 

When I put anything on my schedule it is a commitment and keeping my commitments to myself is as important to me as my commitments to others. 

This started me thinking about how people set goals for themselves and why some people seem to accomplish more that others.  One of the things that I noticed was that some the most successful people were as committed to themselves as they were to others. 

Let me give an example to maybe make this clearer.  Someone will decide that they are going to get into better shape, maybe before the summer is over.  But they never consider what they are willing to give up in order to accomplish this task.  If you decide to get in shape that means you need at least an hour per day of time for working out, that is without travel time if your going to a gym or to the park to do cardio. 
Setting the goal of getting in shape requires finding at least 1-2 hours per day, three to five days per week to workout.  So when setting this goal, what are you willing to eliminate from your life in order to steal these 5-10 hours per week.  Maybe it’s less time at the coffee shop, or less time with friends.  In any case, there is a choice that has to . . . .  If you are not subscribed to the Quantum Health Inner Circle e-zine Click here and enter your e-mail address in the white block to the left.  as and well as all of the articles in our archive.


P.S. Please go to and LIKE the FACEBOOK page where where l present the most current health, motivational, fitness, nutrition, weight loss, smoking cessation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnotherapy, The Journey, meditation, seminars, events and programs put on by

P.P.S. These are some of the many issues that NLP-hypnotherapy can address, if you have any friends like you that might benefit from NLP-hypnotherapy, thanks in advance for recommending them to me: Dis-ease, *Agoraphobia, Allergies, Anger Management, Bed wetting, Childbirth, Chronic Pain, Dental Procedures, Distress, *Examination Anxiety, Exercise, Fears, Focused Attention, Grief, Guided Imagery, *Headache, *High Blood Pressure, Learning skills, *Medical Procedures, Memory, Motivation, Nail Biting, Performing Arts, *Phobias, *P.T.S.D., Procrastination, Public Speaking, Peaceful Sleep, *Regression, Relationship, Relaxation, Salesmanship, Self confidence, Self control, Self esteem, Sexual Enhancement, Smoking Cessation, Sports Performance, Stress Management, Study Skills, Stuttering, and Weight Loss.

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