Testimonial for Master Sam Naples
My name is Karen Liptak and I developed a tumor in my lower stomach in September of 2012. This was totally unexplainable since I’m into a healthy lifestyle, own Body Toning & Aerobics, run daily and have been a vegetarian and student of Doctor Chester Yozwick most of my life.
After stomach surgery, the biopsies revealed cancer cells in five of my lymph nodes. I was stunned, shocked and basically freaked out.
Being into holistic health it was difficult to make the decision to begin chemo therapy but I decided that it was the best choice for me.
Before I began chemo my sister Georgia Rosemond who is a life coach, insisted that I see Master Sam Naples. We went to his office and during the first visit he taught me to meditate and give me two video’s to watch: “The Living Matrix” which includes a section about a woman in the United Kingdom that dealt with her cancer using Neuro-Linguistic Programming; the second movie was “Crazy Sexy Cancer” about and actress that treated her cancer using alkaline nutrition. I saw Sam again before Chemo began and then a few times during my off weeks. He incorporated NLP into our work, taught me self-hypnosis along with doing several “Healing Journeys.” The sessions guided me with chemo treatments to a degree of very little if any, side effects from the chemo.
I highly recommend NLP-hypnotherapy with Sam and if anyone would like to discuss my journey from cancer back to health please feel free to call me at Body Toning and Aerobics, 330-207-5813.
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where where l present the most current health, motivational,
fitness, nutrition, weight loss, smoking cessation, Neuro-Linguistic
Programming, hypnotherapy, The Journey, meditation, seminars, events
and programs put on by www.MasterSamNaples-NLP-hypnotherapy.com
These are some of the many issues that NLP-hypnotherapy can address,
if you have any friends like you that might benefit from
NLP-hypnotherapy, thanks in advance for recommending them to me: Dis-ease,
*Agoraphobia, Allergies, Anger Management, Bed wetting, Childbirth,
Chronic Pain, Dental Procedures, Distress, *Examination Anxiety,
Exercise, Fears, Focused Attention, Grief, Guided Imagery, *Headache,
*High Blood Pressure, Learning skills, *Medical Procedures, Memory,
Motivation, Nail Biting, Performing Arts, *Phobias,
*P.T.S.D., Procrastination, Public Speaking, Peaceful Sleep,
*Regression, Relationship, Relaxation, Salesmanship, Self confidence,
Self control, Self esteem, Sexual Enhancement, Smoking Cessation, Sports
Performance, Stress Management, Study Skills, Stuttering, and Weight