Happy Anniversary NLP & me ! ! !
It is a Friday afternoon, and this morning I was listening to Dan Rivers’ “What Chaps Your Hide? Friday” that is on from 9:00-12:00 on 570 WKBN. Dan’s Friday show usually gets me cranked up, so I’m already irritated, LoL.
So, at lunch I run into an old acquaintance. We are catching up and he asks me what what’s new? What am I doing with myself?” So I try to decide, do I give him the long version, including giving my taekwondo school away, bankruptcy, heart attack, graduation from Youngstown State University and all of the wonderful, meaningful life lessons that I’ve gained from these experiences that have turned me into the Million Dollar Man, that I am today, or the short version, which is “I’m doing NLP-hypnotherapy.”
Well I opt for the short version, basically because I’m just not in the mood to talk about it all. Hard to believe that sometimes I’m not in the mood to talk.
So anyway I explain that I’m doing NLP-hypnotherapy and this putz tells me that hypnotherapy doesn’t work.
“Oh really?” “How many times were you hypnotized?” I ask him. “Only once, for test anxiety and it didn’t work ” was his reply.

He was hypnotized by some kid that lived in his fraternity house that learned hypnosis from a book. I’m not saying that it is impossible to learn it from a book, but there is no book that could compare with being in the room and learning from Dr. Bandler the founder of Neuro-Linguistic Programming or the Legendary Barbara Stepp.
But I digress. . .
He says that he was hypnotized once for test anxiety and it didn’t work. Now I’m freaking pissed ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
(Calm down Sam . . . be the master)
I know it is ignorance but still I get so irritated by people that try something once and if it doesn’t work out perfectly, they quit.
I once dated this girl that was a phenomenal athlete, but part of her M.O. was that if she tried something and she could not instantly do it well, she just never did it again.
I could never understand people that just quit, I guess because when I started taekwondo as a 12 year old with no self confidence, I could not do anything.
So I read everything I could find
on the martial arts. I went to class incessantly. My first summer I
only missed 4 classes the entire summer. I kept going to class (542
classes in one year) and practicing on my own and 2 years later I had my
first existential moment.
I was sitting reading Black Belt Magazine, and I had a flash back, to two years prior, there was a overweight, shy, helpless, incompetent young man reading Black Belt Magazine in this same chair. Now I was strong, fast, a brown belt, one of the leaders in the school, I could break boards, jump up and kick an arm length above my head and was six month from black belt. I had changed so much yet in essence I was the same young man.
Since that moment, when I realized what it took to be successful in taekwondo, in business and in life, I’ve never understood anyone that tried something once and made a judgment about it.
When someone goes to a physician and is given a medication, they don’t take it only once and then say it works or doesn’t based upon one dose.
When the dentist instructs you to floss, you don’t do it once and that’s it. Yet someone will try one hypnotherapy process and decide it doesn’t work.
There is a technique in hypnotherapy called fractionation. Fractionation is where a person is hypnotized and brought out. Then taken back into trance again, then brought out again Then taken again back into trance maybe 5 or more times. Each time the process is done the person goes deeper into trance.
When I do my three hour FREE FROM tobacco & HEALTHY or REGAIN YOU’RE IDEAL weight 3 hour workshops, the person or group is fractionated or taken into trance about 7-ish times before the “official” hypnosis takes place.
Sometimes this is enough to do the trick and in some people it takes more, work. Which is why when I do a workshop, everyone is told that they receive a free private follow up if the process has not hit the exact target, their issue.
In one case I worked with a young man who had a phobia of water. It took 5 sessions before found the root cause of the phobia. But when we got to the root cause there was no doubt in his mind. He could not get the phobia feeling back.
Wow, I can’t believe I’ve ranted for a whole page, LoL. Thanks for listening to me. I really thought this would only take about 1/2 a column. I guess the reason that I’m so passionate is that I know what NLP-hypnotherapy has done for me and the potential it has to help everyone. And I hate to fail, especially when it is because someone tries once and decides it doesn’t work.
Well let me do some deep breathing and calm down. Oh by the MAY is
my 1 YEAR Anniversary. I hope that you'll enjoy the festivities this
month. (see insert)
So, at lunch I run into an old acquaintance. We are catching up and he asks me what what’s new? What am I doing with myself?” So I try to decide, do I give him the long version, including giving my taekwondo school away, bankruptcy, heart attack, graduation from Youngstown State University and all of the wonderful, meaningful life lessons that I’ve gained from these experiences that have turned me into the Million Dollar Man, that I am today, or the short version, which is “I’m doing NLP-hypnotherapy.”
Well I opt for the short version, basically because I’m just not in the mood to talk about it all. Hard to believe that sometimes I’m not in the mood to talk.
So anyway I explain that I’m doing NLP-hypnotherapy and this putz tells me that hypnotherapy doesn’t work.
“Oh really?” “How many times were you hypnotized?” I ask him. “Only once, for test anxiety and it didn’t work ” was his reply.

He was hypnotized by some kid that lived in his fraternity house that learned hypnosis from a book. I’m not saying that it is impossible to learn it from a book, but there is no book that could compare with being in the room and learning from Dr. Bandler the founder of Neuro-Linguistic Programming or the Legendary Barbara Stepp.
But I digress. . .
He says that he was hypnotized once for test anxiety and it didn’t work. Now I’m freaking pissed ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
(Calm down Sam . . . be the master)
I know it is ignorance but still I get so irritated by people that try something once and if it doesn’t work out perfectly, they quit.
I once dated this girl that was a phenomenal athlete, but part of her M.O. was that if she tried something and she could not instantly do it well, she just never did it again.
I could never understand people that just quit, I guess because when I started taekwondo as a 12 year old with no self confidence, I could not do anything.
So I read everything I could find
I was sitting reading Black Belt Magazine, and I had a flash back, to two years prior, there was a overweight, shy, helpless, incompetent young man reading Black Belt Magazine in this same chair. Now I was strong, fast, a brown belt, one of the leaders in the school, I could break boards, jump up and kick an arm length above my head and was six month from black belt. I had changed so much yet in essence I was the same young man.
Since that moment, when I realized what it took to be successful in taekwondo, in business and in life, I’ve never understood anyone that tried something once and made a judgment about it.
When someone goes to a physician and is given a medication, they don’t take it only once and then say it works or doesn’t based upon one dose.
When the dentist instructs you to floss, you don’t do it once and that’s it. Yet someone will try one hypnotherapy process and decide it doesn’t work.
There is a technique in hypnotherapy called fractionation. Fractionation is where a person is hypnotized and brought out. Then taken back into trance again, then brought out again Then taken again back into trance maybe 5 or more times. Each time the process is done the person goes deeper into trance.
When I do my three hour FREE FROM tobacco & HEALTHY or REGAIN YOU’RE IDEAL weight 3 hour workshops, the person or group is fractionated or taken into trance about 7-ish times before the “official” hypnosis takes place.
Sometimes this is enough to do the trick and in some people it takes more, work. Which is why when I do a workshop, everyone is told that they receive a free private follow up if the process has not hit the exact target, their issue.
In one case I worked with a young man who had a phobia of water. It took 5 sessions before found the root cause of the phobia. But when we got to the root cause there was no doubt in his mind. He could not get the phobia feeling back.
Wow, I can’t believe I’ve ranted for a whole page, LoL. Thanks for listening to me. I really thought this would only take about 1/2 a column. I guess the reason that I’m so passionate is that I know what NLP-hypnotherapy has done for me and the potential it has to help everyone. And I hate to fail, especially when it is because someone tries once and decides it doesn’t work.
If you’ve been hypnotized by
someone else or with me and not received the results you wanted and
expected, please give me a call and I’ll give you a FREE session as part of my anniversary month.
Page 2
It’s all about Strategy . . . An Intro to N.L.P.
Last month we talked about visual, auditory and kinesthetic
representations that we make for events that have happened or will
happen in the future.
When working with a client using Neuro-Linguistic Programming we seek to discover how the person creates the feelings (called kinesthetic internal) and behaviors (called kinesthetic external). The process a person uses for creating a feeling or behavior is called . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if you'd like to read the rest of MasterSamNaples-NLP-hypnotherapy.com's Optimum Health Inner Circle , May 2012 . . . . ANNIVERSARY E-ZINE ISSUE . . . Please CLICK HERE.
If you are not subscribed to the Quantum Health Inner Circle e-zine Click here and enter your e-mail address in the white block to the left.
When working with a client using Neuro-Linguistic Programming we seek to discover how the person creates the feelings (called kinesthetic internal) and behaviors (called kinesthetic external). The process a person uses for creating a feeling or behavior is called . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if you'd like to read the rest of MasterSamNaples-NLP-hypnotherapy.com's Optimum Health Inner Circle , May 2012 . . . . ANNIVERSARY E-ZINE ISSUE . . . Please CLICK HERE.
If you are not subscribed to the Quantum Health Inner Circle e-zine Click here and enter your e-mail address in the white block to the left.
P.S. Please go to and LIKE the MasterSamNaples-NLP-hypnotherapy.com FACEBOOK page where
where l present the most current health, motivational, fitness,
nutrition, weight loss, smoking cessation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming,
hypnotherapy, The Journey, meditation, seminars, events and programs
put on by www.MasterSamNaples-NLP-hypnotherapy.com
P.P.S. These
are some of the many issues that NLP-hypnotherapy can address, if you
have any friends like you that might benefit from NLP-hypnotherapy,
thanks in advance for recommending them to me: Dis-ease,
*Agoraphobia, Allergies, Anger Management, Bed wetting, Childbirth, Chronic Pain, Dental Procedures, Distress, *Examination Anxiety,
Exercise, Fears, Focused Attention, Grief, Guided Imagery, *Headache,
*High Blood Pressure, Learning skills, *Medical Procedures, Memory,
Motivation, Nail Biting, Performing Arts, *Phobias,
*P.T.S.D., Procrastination, Public Speaking, Peaceful Sleep,
*Regression, Relationship, Relaxation, Salesmanship, Self confidence,
Self control, Self esteem, Sexual Enhancement, Smoking Cessation, Sports Performance, Stress Management, Study Skills, Stuttering, and Weight
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