At Regain your IDEAL WEIGHT you’ll enjoy learning how to use your conscious mind to steer your other than conscious ® mind in this 2 ½ - 3 hour event. Other hypnotherapy seminars have you sit for an hour or so and “do hypnosis to you” and then they send you on your merry way, maybe it works, maybe not. Sometimes you are not even sure that you were hypnotised. But at’s Regain Your IDEAL WEIGHT events we believe that hypnosis is not about doing-hypnosis-to-someone, it’s about giving you real tools so that you can learn to direct and control the most powerful thing in the world, the power of the other than conscious ® mind.
This event is a combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), The Journey® and hypnosis that attacks your weight issue from just about every angle. It’s the next best thing to a private consultation with Master Sam Naples, at less than a third of the price.
The event begins by discussing a little about Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the power that language has upon the other than conscious ® mind. For example there is a reason that we don’t use the term Lose Weight. . . to read the rest of this article click here to go to the website's Ideal Weight page.
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