Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dr. Richard Bandler

Richard Bandler is the father and co-founder with John Grinder of Neuro-Linguistic Programming as well as teacher of Master Sam Naples.

Richard Wayne Bandler was born February 24, 1950 in New Jersey, which is where he credits having developed his tenacious attitude. As a youth his family moved to San Francisco and he lived in the famed Chinatown area where he credits learning acupuncture and the martial arts. It was only natural for Bandler who grew up in the 60’s in San Francisco to be interested in rock and roll music and while in high school he became a successful musician in a rock band.

After graduating high school Richard who was interested in mathematics, computers and physics began attending school at the University of California in Santa Cruz (UCSC).

Richard Bandler got the opportunity to house sit for a psychiatrist who went off to India, “to find himself.” Richard got interested in the many . . . . . . . . . click here to go to the website to read the rest of the article on NLP father and co-founder, Dr. Richard Bandler.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Journey

The Journey is a cellular healing process that is based upon the work of Brandon Bays. Brandon Bays has long been a member of the personal growth and development movement working as Tony Robbins’ personal assistant as well as teaching his Living Health program which is the fourth day of his “Unleash the Power Within” seminar.

Brandon was new a age girl, living a charmed existence changing lives using NLP, hypnotherapy and NAC skills to change peoples lives. She was a vegetarian, ran on the beach and meditated daily. Her and her husband lived in a small beachfront cottage in southern California.

Brandon had an envious life until that fateful day when she could no longer ignore the tumor that was growing in her belly. How could this happen? She had done everything right. She ate right, meditated, worked out, as well as doing many other alternative healing modalities. Yet there it was, a tumor the size of a basketball. How could she continue . . . . To read the rest of this article click here to go to the The Journey page.

Friday, April 15, 2011

What is Hypnotherapy?

The International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (I.M.D.H.A.) defines Hypnosis as “ education communication process to a person’s mind that allow his/her conscious and subconscious mind to receive the same message. The process produces an altered state of consciousness though physical and mental relaxation. The critical faculty of mind is bypassed and the subconscious openly receives the communication. At this time, the senses are in a state of heightened awareness. The mind will only accept that which goes along with the established morals and ethics. The person in a hypnotic state will respond only to suggestions with which he/she is in a agreement. Desire, belief and expectancy are necessary for this altered state to have effect in the outer behavior of the individual.”

International Medical Dental Hypnosis Association objectives.

The objectives are clear:
To help create a sense of peace and harmony within the individual so that the current challenge can be dealt with in a positive manner, thus making the journey toward wellness and . . . click here to go to the "Hypnosis" page to read the rest of the article.

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

A possible NLP History

The NLP history is difficult to write about because Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a house divided with the two main groups being those trained by Dr. Richard Bandler ’s and John and Kathleen LaValle known as the Society of NLP of which I trained and am affiliated and those students that were trained through the International Training Academy of NLP and are students of John Grinder , Carmen Bostic St. Clair and Michael Carroll.

I’m sure that there are many versions of this NLP history and I will do my best to be sure that this is as true as possible, but if there are any challenges to this account they are just as likely to be true as this one is. MasterSamNaples-NLP-Hypnotherapy has written this history with the utmost gratitude and respect for all people involved with the inseption and development of NLP and is always willing to add or correct anything in this history that is incorrect.

NLP history begins with a young Richard Bandler, a physics, computer science student at University of California at Santa Cruz in the early 1970’s. While watching video’s of Gestalt Therapy founder Fritz Perls, which Bandler was transcribing for Bob Spitzer, he began to see linguistic patterns that Perls used affect change in the people he did therapy with.

Click here to go to the History of Neuro-Linguistic Programming page to read the rest of this article.

Click here to go to the Facebook page so that you'll be aware of all coming events, programs, and seminars taking place in the Youngstown area as well as the Neuro-Linguistic Programming world.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Client Bill of Right of

Client Bill of Rights

As part of the Client Bill of Rights, it is important for the client to be aware of the different trainings and modalities undertaken by the practitioner and the credentials of that said practitioner.

Credentials of Sam Naples

Society of NLP

2008 Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

2009 Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

2009 Design Human Engineer DHE

2010 Licensed Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

International Medical Dental Hypnotherapy Association I.M.D.H.A. )

2009 Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Neuro-Associative Conditioning ( N.A.C ) Certificate Anthony Robbins' Mastery University

1997 Life Mastery: Health/Fitness, Nutrition, Emotional Mastery, Time Management;

1997 Wealth Mastery: Dealing with abundance issues and investing.

1998 Date With Destiny: Life’s Purpose and Goal Setting;

The Journey Cellular Healing Program

2006 Journey Intensive

2006 Advanced Skills

2006 Manifesting Abundance

2007 Healing with Consicous Communication

2007 Liberating Kids Shining Potential

Youngstown State University 2009 Bachelor of Arts of Psychology with a minor in Philosophy.


The State of Ohio has not adopted any education and training standards for the practice of hypnotism or any of the other above mentioned modalities. This statement of credentials as part of the Client Bill of Rights is for information purposes only. Under Ohio law a hypnotherapist may not provide a medical diagnosis or recommend discontinuance of medically prescribed treatments. If a client desires a diagnosis or any other type of treatment from a different practitioner, the client may seek such services at any time. In event of my services are terminated by a client, the client has a right to coordinated transfer of services to another practitioner. A client has a right to refuse hypnosis services at any time. A client has a right to be free of physical, verbal and sexual abuse. A client has a right to know the expected duration of treatment, and may assert any right without retaliation.
“I Master Samuel D. Naples am a certified member of the Society of Pure NLP and the IMDHA and as part of this Client Bill of Rights certify that I practice in accordance with their Codes of Ethics and Standards.” if you ever have a complaint about my services or behavior that I cannot resolve for you personally, you may contact the IMDHA at International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA) Rural Route #2 Box 2468 Laceyville, PA 18623 Telephone: 570-869-1021, or 1-800-553-6886.

NLP Hypnotherapy Principles:

1)Changing the process by which we experience reality if often more valuable than changing the content; . . .

If you'd like to read the rest of this article and learn more about NLP-hypnotherapy click here to go to the website's Client's Bill of Right's page.

To stay updated on current events, programs, and seminars click here to go the the MasterSamNaples-NLP-hypnotherapy Facebook page where you can add it to your friends list.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What happens during your first visit to

Your First Visit -- What to Expect.

First of all, expect to spend about an hour or more of your first visit completing the forms and discussing your issue with Master Naples. This is not just a formality but is rather part of a process of what is called in Neuro-Linguistic Programming "developing a well formed outcome." Without going into too much detail here, a well formed means that the intended change to be made is something that is under your control, (even if you don't belive it is) and stated in the positive.

This process of developing a well formed outcome completing the Confidental Personal Data Sheets, Concent form, Client Bill of Rights, and some infomation pertaining to what is expected of both the client and Master Naples takes between an hour and an hour and thirty minutes.

Through reviewing these documents with you and discussing your issues Master Sam Naples will be . . . to read the rest of the article click here to go to the What to expect upon your first visit.

NLP to Regain You're Ideal Weight

Regain Your Ideal Weight

At Regain your IDEAL WEIGHT you’ll enjoy learning how to use your conscious mind to steer your other than conscious ® mind in this 2 ½ - 3 hour event. Other hypnotherapy seminars have you sit for an hour or so and “do hypnosis to you” and then they send you on your merry way, maybe it works, maybe not. Sometimes you are not even sure that you were hypnotised. But at’s Regain Your IDEAL WEIGHT events we believe that hypnosis is not about doing-hypnosis-to-someone, it’s about giving you real tools so that you can learn to direct and control the most powerful thing in the world, the power of the other than conscious ® mind.

This event is a combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), The Journey® and hypnosis that attacks your weight issue from just about every angle. It’s the next best thing to a private consultation with Master Sam Naples, at less than a third of the price.

The event begins by discussing a little about Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the power that language has upon the other than conscious ® mind. For example there is a reason that we don’t use the term Lose Weight. . . to read the rest of this article click here to go to the website's Ideal Weight page.

Monday, April 4, 2011


At a Smoke Free and Healthy you’ll enjoy learning how to use your conscious mind to steer your other than conscious ® mind in this 2 ½ - 3 hour event. Other hypnotherapy seminars have you sit for an hour or so and “do it to you” and then they send you on your merry way, maybe it works, maybe not. Sometimes you are not even sure that you were hypnotised. But at’s Smoke Free and Healthy events we believe that hypnosis is not about doing-something-to-someone, it’s about giving you real tools so that you can learn to direct and control the most powerful thing in the world, the power of the other than conscious ® mind.

This event is a combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), The Journey® and hypnosis that attacks your smoking issue from just about every angle. It’s the next best thing to a private consultation with Master Sam Naples, at less than a third of the price.

The event begins by discussing a little about NLP and the power that language has upon the other than conscious ® mind mind. For example there is a reason that we don’t use the term Quit Smoking. That is because the word “quit” can have negative connotations in our culture, and the other than conscious ® mind doesn't do well with ambiguities. But that’s getting ahead of ourselves. We also will use the NLP process of creating a well formed outcome to make sure that your goal of becoming smoke free and healthy . . . Click here to go to's SMOKE FREE and HEALTHY page or click here to go to the homepage.

Welcome to the homepage

NLP-Hypnotherapy for Life Optimization and Generative Change . . . are the mission of this website as well as Master Sam Naples NLP-hypnotherapy. Life Optimization means the study of what people do well and how to enhance, improve and install it others. Many professional athletes use meditation, and hypnosis to improve their performance. Dr. Richard Bandler says that an NLP practitioner 's mission is to help people optimize their life.

For an NLP-hypnotherapy practitioner, generative change means not only eliminating or changing an unwanted behavior but installing a behavior that continues to create increasingly better results for in indefinite time in the future. can also help with:

Dis-ease, *Agoraphobia, Allergies, Anger Managemant, Bed wetting, Childbirth, Chronic Pain, Dental Procedures, Distress, *Examination Anxiety, Exercise, Fears, Focused Attention, Grief, Guided Imagery, *Headache, *High Blood Pressure, Learning Skills, *Medical Procedures, Memory Motivation, Nail Biting, Performaing Arts *Phobias, *PTSD, Procrastination, Public Speaking, Peaceful Sleep, *Regression, Relationship, Relaxation, Salesmanship, Self Confidence Self Control, Self Confidence, Self Esteem Sexual Enhancement, Smoking Cessation, Sports Performance, Stress Management, Study Skills, Stuttering, Weight Loss.

* All issues with and asterisk may require a referral.


NLP was Co-developed by Dr's. Richard Bandler (Master Sam Naples’ instructor) and John Grinder as they studied the power of language to create or change the feelings occurring in a person sometimes creating an almost trance like state. NLP practitioners focus upon what is unique about every individual and believes that every person responds the in the best way they can with the resources that they have. Quite often allowing the person to discover these often hidden resources or a new strategy for how to use these resources is all that is needed for dramatic change to occur.

Design Human Engineering

Also created by Dr. Richard Bandler, ( DHE ) allows the person to create a control pannel in their mind and allow them to create machines run by this control pannel to to for example deal with physical pain, the person might go to their control pannel and “turn off” the pain switch on the control panel.


“All illness is emotional, and even when it is physical it is emotional.” was explained to me by Skip Lackey, who is the leader of The Journey USA. The Journey is a group of cellular healing processes that takes one into the depths of the unconscious mind to where a menory that is stored as toxic energy, has become the cause of disease. Through these processes the poison memory is activated, changed and released. Since the Journey and Dr. Deepak Chopra both contend that this stored energy is the cause of disease, when the energy is released the body begins to heal naturally, easily, quickly and of it’s own accord without any other mental or physical actions by the client. The Journey evolved as Brandon Bays modeled the healing process that spontaneously occured as she was healed of a tumor the size of a basketball. Brandon and Skip had both previously studied NLP and Master Sam Naples' has studied with both of them.


A certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (CHt. ) is someone trained by the American Medical Dental Hypnotherapy Association. The CHt. uses language to bypass the critical thinking faculty of the client, also called the conscious mind, and focuses on offering healthy, positive suggestions to the unconscious mind, which is very purposeful, not the least bit rational and is willing to do uwhat you suggest that it to do.


The true benefits of meditation are that once you have found your own inner stillness, through regular meditation, you will be able to access it again and again and with ever greater ease. This brings with it feelings of confidence and self control, increased concentration, better relationships and reduced stress levels to name just a few of it's benefits. will incorporate meditation skills that range from oriental martial arts techniques, Zen meditation and Journey USA processes to find the process best suited to you.


As one of only three current Licensed Trainers of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in the state of Ohio, Master Sam Naples NLP-hypnotherapy will use this website to provide the most current information about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for the residents of Northern Ohio, Western Pennsylvania as well as interested parties across the World Wide Web.