Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A possible NLP History

A possible NLP History

The NLP history is difficult to write about because Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a house divided with the two main groups being those trained by Dr. Richard Bandler ’s and John and Kathleen LaValle known as the Society of NLP of which I trained and am affiliated and those students that were trained through the International Training Academy of NLP and are students of John Grinder , Carmen Bostic St. Clair and Michael Carroll.
I’m sure that there are many versions of this NLP history and I will do my best to be sure that this is as true as possible, but if there are any challenges to this account they are just as likely to be true as this one is. MasterSamNaples-NLP-Hypnotherapy has written this history with the utmost gratitude and respect for all people involved with the inseption and development of NLP and is always willing to add or correct anything in this history that is incorrect.

NLP history begins with a young Richard Bandler, a physics, computer science student at University of California at Santa Cruz in the early 1970’s. While watching video’s of Gestalt Therapy founder Fritz Perls, which Bandler was transcribing for Bob Spitzer, he began to see linguistic patterns that Perls used affect change in the people he did therapy with.

“Step back and see what the f_ck is really going on.” Richard Bandler


Bandler began to host “gestalt-type” group therapy sessions at the university getting the attention of many students and one of the linguistics professors, Dr. John Grinder. After watching several sessions Grinder approached Bandler with several observations and some questions. Bandler’s fake it till you make it New Jersey attitude led him to pretend he knew everything that Grinder was talking about and ultimately they began to work together.

Dr. Grinder brought to the table his knowledge of Transformational Grammar including the concepts of “deep structure” and “surface structure” and Korzybski’s concept that the Map is not the Territory, and that when we receive information we either delete, distort and generalize that information. This material grew to be the content of the books, The Structure of Magic I and II.

Richard Bandler was living in a house and a friend of the owner was famed couples and family therapist Virginia Satir who was living in the guest house. She became friends with Bandler and began taking him with her when she went to do therapy often in mental institutions. He noticed similarities in what Virginia and Perls did and these similarities became another clue as to how successful therapy worked.

Most of what Satir and Pearls did was unconscious to them. Dr. Bandler tells the story of how when they explained what Satir did to her, she lost her edge and was unable to work because she kept thinking about what she was doing. He states that he needed to do a process with her to make these ‘techniques’ again unconscious.

Unscientific Study 


Next significant event in NLP history was when Bandler and Grinder became friends with Gregory Bateson, the world famous anthropologist and husband of Margaret Meed. Bateson believed that meaning could only be found within a context, subjective relativism. This influenced Bandler and Grinder’s un-scientific research into the nature of subjective experience. Unscientific is used because science seeks to find the objective, what is the same about each “individual,” while NLP seeks to find what is unique about each individual, “subjective.”

Dr. Bandler also speaks of going into some of the “better” mental institutions in California and the people were almost prisoners. He speaks of one patient that was in an institution that was labeled a paranoid schizophrenic. When Bandler spoke to this poor soul he learned that he had been on an acid trip, common in California in the 60’s and was committed to an institution. When he realized what had happened he tried to escape, which any normal person would do and was labeled paranoid schizophrenic. It was because of instances like this and Dr. Bandler’s polarity responding tendencies that caused him to avoid going the academic, traditional route with NLP.

Meta Model

Much of what Bandler and Grinder learned from Perls and Satir became the foundation for what is know in NLP history as the Meta Model. The three primary parts of the Meta Model are the processes of deletion, distortion and generalization. It is by deleting, distorting and generalizing that we are able to make sense of the world and it is by these same processes that mental problems develop. The first two books of NLP The Structure of Magic I and II are explain the meta model and it’s application in therapy.

Dr. Dave Dobson


Next in NLP history was the relationship that Bandler and Grinder had with the famed hypnotherapist the late Dr. David Dobson . Dobson was one of the early hypnotherapists that taught Richard Bandler hypnosis. The Legendary Barbara Stepp , Dobson’s soul mate told the author that Dr. Bandler said that the hypnotic voice in his head was Dave Dobson’s voice. Stepp also informed the author that one of the early seminars taught by Bandler and Grinder took place in Dobson’s living room. This was before they came up with the name Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

The Milton Model 


In the telling of NLP history not enough emphasis can be placed upon the friendship they developed with Gregory Bateson who acquainted Bandler and Grinder to concepts now fundamental to NLP such as logical levels, logical types, and the double bind theory which are an integral part of NLP. In addition to the intellectual stimulation that they got from the musings of Gregory Bateson they also learned of his good friend, the famed hypnotherapist and founder of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Dr. Milton H. Erickson .

As Bandler and Grinder observed more and more closely what Erickson did in hypnosis and therapy, the began to realize that he was doing exactly opposite of what therapists like Perls and Satir were doing when applying the meta model to a client. Where the meta model strives to bring clarity and reveal the deep structure of the client. With the “reverse meta-model” Milton strove to be “artfully vague.” The reverse meta-model or Milton Model bypasses the conscious mind and communicates directly to the unconscious mind. Much of what Bandler and Grinder learned from modeling the work of Erickson became the material for the two books Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson Volume I (1975) and Volume II ( 1977).

Other people instrumental to the evolution of Neuro-Linguistic Programming that belong in this NLP history were Leslie Cameron–Bandler (who was Dr. Bandler’s first wife), Judith DeLozier, Stephen Gilligan, Robert Dilts,David Gordon.

At the time of this writing of the NLP history most of these people are still alive and active in teaching their versions of NLP. As previously mentioned Dr. Bandler’s organization which is run by John and Kathleen LaValle is known as The Society of NLP,TM and a running list of every practitioner, master practitioner and trainer licensed by the society. Dr. Grinder now calls his version New Code NLP and certifies people through International Training Academy of NLP

Saturday, November 22, 2014

NLP-Hypnotherapy for Life Optimization and Generative Change ...

NLP-Hypnotherapy for Life Optimization and Generative Change ... 

. . . are the mission of this website as well as Master Sam Naples NLP-hypnotherapy. Life Optimization means the study of what people do well and how to enhance, improve and install it others. Many professional athletes use meditation, and hypnosis to improve their performance. Dr. Richard Bandler says that an NLP practitioner 's mission is to help people optimize their life.
For an NLP-hypnotherapy practitioner, generative change means not only eliminating or changing an unwanted behavior but installing a behavior that continues to create increasingly better results for in indefinite time in the future. 

To stay up to date with the Free events, programs, workshops and seminars provided by MasterSamNaples-NLP-hypnotherapy please like our FACEBOOK PAGE. can also help with:

Addressing Dis-ease, *Agoraphobia, Allergies, Anger Managemant, Bed wetting, Childbirth, Chronic Pain, Dental Procedures, Distress, *Examination Anxiety, Exercise, Fears, Focused Attention, Grief, Guided Imagery, *Headache, *High Blood Pressure, Learning Skills, *Medical Procedures, Memory Motivation, Nail Biting, Performaing Arts *Phobias, *PTSD, Procrastination, Public Speaking, Peaceful Sleep, *Regression, Relationship, Relaxation, Salesmanship, Self Confidence Self Control, Self Confidence, Self Esteem Sexual Enhancement, Smoking Cessation, Sports Performance, Stress Management, Study Skills, Stuttering, Weight Loss.
* All issues with and asterisk may require a referral. 

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

NLP was Co-developed by Dr's. Richard Bandler (Master Sam Naples’ instructor) and John Grinder as they studied the power of language to create or change the feelings occurring in a person sometimes creating an almost trance like state. NLP practitioners focus upon what is unique about every individual and believes that every person responds the in the best way they can with the resources that they have. Quite often allowing the person to discover these often hidden resources or a new strategy for how to use these resources is all that is needed for dramatic change to occur. 

Design Human Engineering
Also created by Dr. Richard Bandler, DHE allows the person to create a control panel in their mind and allows them to create machines run by this control pannel to for example deal with physical pain, the person might go to their control pannel and “turn off” the pain switch on the control panel. 

What is The Journey 

“All illness is emotional, and even when it is physical it is emotional.” was explained to me by Skip Lackey, who is the leader of The Journey USA. The Journey is a group of cellular healing processes that takes one into the depths of the unconscious mind to where a menory that is stored as toxic energy, has become the cause of disease. Through these processes the poison memory is activated, changed and released. Since the Journey and Dr. Deepak Chopra both contend that this stored energy is the cause of disease, when the energy is released the body begins to heal naturally, easily, quickly and of it’s own accord without any other mental or physical actions by the client. The Journey evolved as Brandon Bays modeled the healing process that spontaneously occured as she was healed of a tumor the size of a basketball. Brandon and Skip had both previously studied NLP and Master Sam Naples' has studied with both of them. 


A Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (CHt.) is someone trained by the American Medical Dental Hypnotherapy Association. The CHt. uses language to bypass the critical thinking faculty of the client, also called the conscious mind, and focuses on offering healthy, positive suggestions to the unconscious mind, which is very purposeful, not the least bit rational and is willing to do uwhat you suggest that it to do. 

The true benefits of meditation are that once you have found your own inner stillness, through regular meditation, you will be able to access it again and again and with ever greater ease. This brings with it feelings of confidence and self control, increased concentration, better relationships and reduced stress levels to name just a few of it's benefits. Master Sam Naples NLP- hypnotherapy will incorporate meditation skills that range from oriental martial arts techniques, Zen meditation and Journey USA processes to find the process best suited to you. 

As one of only three current Licensed Trainers of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in the state of Ohio, Master Sam Naples NLP-hypnotherapy will use this website to provide the most current information about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for the residents of Northern Ohio, Western Pennsylvania as well as interested parties across the World Wide Web.