Monday, December 31, 2012

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION SUCCESS TIP #1 It's not time to change, until you Make Time to change!

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION SUCCESS TIP #1 FROM MASTER SAM NAPLES: It's not time to change, until you Make Time to change!

Year-after-year we make New Years Resolutions like starting a new workout routine or whatever and never really consider that the resolution is going to require time for its accomplishment.

If you're intention is to go to a gym like Fitness Together (my friend Erin's club) and workout 3x per week, you need to think about what are the 4 1/2 hours per per week of "stuff" that you're going to eliminate in order to have the time to train properly and consistently. Also if there is an expense do you have extra money already set aside or are you going to have to eliminate certain unhealthy spending habits in order to afford your workout routine?

SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS -- While you're considering your resolutions, also consider what the time and financial requirements are and make sure your goal is realistic and congruent with your lifestyle before you make a commitment to a new goal for 2013 and keep your eyes open for more NEW YEARS RESOLUTION SUCCESS TIPS FROM Master Sam

Make sure you don't miss any tips, and after you click the link below and like my page and then share it with your friends have a successful 2013!