Monday, December 31, 2012

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION SUCCESS TIP #1 It's not time to change, until you Make Time to change!

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION SUCCESS TIP #1 FROM MASTER SAM NAPLES: It's not time to change, until you Make Time to change!

Year-after-year we make New Years Resolutions like starting a new workout routine or whatever and never really consider that the resolution is going to require time for its accomplishment.

If you're intention is to go to a gym like Fitness Together (my friend Erin's club) and workout 3x per week, you need to think about what are the 4 1/2 hours per per week of "stuff" that you're going to eliminate in order to have the time to train properly and consistently. Also if there is an expense do you have extra money already set aside or are you going to have to eliminate certain unhealthy spending habits in order to afford your workout routine?

SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS -- While you're considering your resolutions, also consider what the time and financial requirements are and make sure your goal is realistic and congruent with your lifestyle before you make a commitment to a new goal for 2013 and keep your eyes open for more NEW YEARS RESOLUTION SUCCESS TIPS FROM Master Sam

Make sure you don't miss any tips, and after you click the link below and like my page and then share it with your friends have a successful 2013!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Some People Just Love the Smell and Taste of Tobacco

 Some People Just Love the Smell and Taste of Tobacco       and How Just Holding the Cigarette In Their Hand Relaxes Them, You Know The HOLE Smoking Experience.

 Personal Promise:                                                                                       “If you are someone that is “ just thinking” about maybe quitting smoking”, I respectfully ask that you call someone else. You will feel my 4 hour workshop  and 30 day self-hypnosis program is the most thorough smoking cessation program and it is successful if you do the program.  The emotional issues and needs, the reasons you smoke and the reasons that you’ve not been able to quit up till now will be gone forever making your health and your life better. You will be literally free from tobacco and I will back up this program with a FREE one-on-one session, (a $125 value) if need be.”       — Master Sam Naples 

Master Sam Naples has been dedicated to helping you gain  control over you mind, emotions and life since 1997. Master Naples worked  with hundreds of people and if you are serious about being free from tobacco he is the one to get you there. 

  • Guaranteed FREE extra session if need be ( a $125 value).
  • 4 hour workshop
  • Find all of the hidden triggers that have kept you addicted
  • Learn self-hypnosis and gain more control over your life.
  • Learn to protect yourself from accidental self-hypnosis 



From Tobacco

1719 Raccoon Rd
Suite #2  in the Wedgewood Plaza

Austintown, Ohio 44515 


P.S. Please go to and LIKE the FACEBOOK page where where l present the most current health, motivational, fitness, nutrition, weight loss, smoking cessation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnotherapy, The Journey, meditation, seminars, events and programs put on by

P.P.S. These are some of the many issues that NLP-hypnotherapy can address, if you have any friends like you that might benefit from NLP-hypnotherapy, thanks in advance for recommending them to me: Dis-ease, *Agoraphobia, Allergies, Anger Management, Bed wetting, Childbirth, Chronic Pain, Dental Procedures, Distress, *Examination Anxiety, Exercise, Fears, Focused Attention, Grief, Guided Imagery, *Headache, *High Blood Pressure, Learning skills, *Medical Procedures, Memory, Motivation, Nail Biting, Performing Arts, *Phobias, *P.T.S.D., Procrastination, Public Speaking, Peaceful Sleep, *Regression, Relationship, Relaxation, Salesmanship, Self confidence, Self control, Self esteem, Sexual Enhancement, Smoking Cessation, Sports Performance, Stress Management, Study Skills, Stuttering, and Weight Loss.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

What If There Was A Way To Overcome any Fear or Phobia ?

What If There Was A Way To  Overcome any Fear or Phobia ?

Keep Reading To Find Out How It Works, Takes Only 90 Minutes,  & Only Cost $125! 

First of all the consultation the explanation and an introduction to NLP-hypnotherapy are  free.  You won’t pay a dime unless you hire me to actually eliminate your phobia. I will design an NLP-hypnotherapy process that is individual and specific for handling your own unique fear or phobia, that will be relaxing possibly enjoyable and will last for a very, very, very long time and you don’t need to a thing. This NLP-hypnotherapy process will include determining how your mind process other “frightening situations” without your having a phobia reaction. We’ll find ways to use the resources that have already been working for you in other situations and teach your mind how to use these same resources so that when you walk out of my office, the fear or phobia is already behind you.

If you choose to become my NLP-hypnotherapy client this is what you can expect to happen: 

You and I will create a safe scenario in your mind where you are  at a distance and protected from  experiencing any of those old embarrassing feelings of fear, panic, the desire to run away or whatever your own expression of fear or phobia is. 

In Neuro-Linguistic Programming and hypnotherapy this process is called dis-associating from the experience and in some cases you may actually catch yourself laughing as you watch yourself react to an ant or fly or whatever your particular issue is.  More often than naught phobia’s are unrealistic fears that when we see ourselves reacting to them we seem silly.  And this is the beginning of letting go of the fear reaction.  

“My boyfriend wanted to go jet skiing. Problem, most of my life I’ve been afraid of water.  In only 90 minutes with Master Naples’ NLP-hypnotherapy  my fear was gone.  On the 4th of July 2011 we hit a wave and flipped the jet ski and I ended up floating in the water free of all fear and just totally enjoying the refreshing beauty of the lake.  The NLP-hypnotherapy Phobia process Master Sam Naples designed for me did the trick.”  Becky E., Poland, Ohio

As you are watching and experiencing the fear or phobia experience from a safe distance and in  a safe environment in your mind, Master Sam Naples will be analyzing and determining the way that your mind processes the experience to create the feelings of fear, the phobic reaction that you experience in your body. 


Once your process for creating the feelings that some people call fear, or phobic are understood, then the next step is to apply an NLP-hypnotherapy intervention which will teach your mind that there are other ways to deal with fear or phobia experiences that it can choose to apply.   Once your mind is aware of choices it will choose a option that is better and in your best interest.  This choice happens at an unconscious level.

And once your mind chooses the new option, the fear or phobia is gone!  When we are completely finished you couldn’t get the fear or phobia feeling back if you tried.  

That’s the $125 dollar process and it only takes about 90 minutes.

 Wait! That's not all.

You also get a no questions asked one year guarantee on the process.  That’s right, if your

fear or phobia were to somehow return (and it has never happened)  in the first twelve months after we’ve applied the custom intervention I’ll invite you back to my office and we’ll tweak the intervention to insure that those old outdated feelings are gone for good and this “tweaking” will be totally free of charge! Seriously.  The process is guaranteed. 

How I be so sure?

I’ll bet that if you right now were to think about, imagine being in a situation that causes you to feel your fear or phobia you would begin to ever so slightly feel the fear or phobia experience to begin in your body. 

The way that an NLP-hypnotherapist checks his work is to use a tool called “future pacing.” This is where we have your put yourself into an imaginary situation where you would normally have felt the fear or phobia reaction and you will see that the reaction will not occur again. 

We do this several times to insure that you cannot get the fear/phobia reaction back.  If you cannot get it back in you mind, IT”S GONE!!!

Slam, Bam, Thank You Man.  I offer this process and guarantee for such a low price because I’ve helped so many people find relief and freedom from their fear or phobias that’s almost become a specialty of mine.   Once the process starts we stick with it until the fear or phobia is gone forever.  We won’t be finished until you’re unable to get that experience back.

You will be very, very pleased when we are done, I promise!

Okay, now here’s the catch. With all of the 3 session people I see and they are my first priority, I’ve only got time to do a few of these 90 minute phobia processes this month. I might do three  of them, maybe four, absolutely no more than five.  If you’re interested I suggest you call right now.

Remember, there’s no obligation, the consultation the explanation and an introduction to NLP-hypnotherapy  are free.

1719 Raccoon Road Suite #2
Austintown, Ohio 44515

P.S.. I really am only going to do a few of these.  Wish I could do more, but you know . . . Time is precious and the only thing to fear is loss of time.

P.P.S. Please go to and LIKE the FACEBOOK page where where l present the most current health, motivational, fitness, nutrition, weight loss, smoking cessation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnotherapy, The Journey, meditation, seminars, events and programs put on by

P.P.P.S. These are some of the many issues that NLP-hypnotherapy can address, if you have any friends like you that might benefit from NLP-hypnotherapy, thanks in advance for recommending them to me: Dis-ease, *Agoraphobia, Allergies, Anger Management, Bed wetting, Childbirth, Chronic Pain, Dental Procedures, Distress, *Examination Anxiety, Exercise, Fears, Focused Attention, Grief, Guided Imagery, *Headache, *High Blood Pressure, Learning skills, *Medical Procedures, Memory, Motivation, Nail Biting, Performing Arts, *Phobias, *P.T.S.D., Procrastination, Public Speaking, Peaceful Sleep, *Regression, Relationship, Relaxation, Salesmanship, Self confidence, Self control, Self esteem, Sexual Enhancement, Smoking Cessation, Sports Performance, Stress Management, Study Skills, Stuttering, and Weight Loss.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Football: A metaphor for personal excellence 

The National Football League Season officially starts on September 5th, though they’ve been playing for a month already. But then that is how professionals are successful, they practice as realistically as possible all of the time, in their mind. 

When I was younger I use to love sports and especially The Green Bay Packers and one of my idol’s was their amazing coach Vince Lombardi.

  When Lombardi took over the Packers they had a history of losing and had had a record of 1-10-1 the previous season. His first year as coach and with almost exactly the same team the Packers ended the season with a 7-5 record, and that was only the beginning of the Green Bay Packer Legend.

So what changed in those same players and made such a difference? The way they believed, and the way they practiced which ultimately changed the way that they behaved during the game.

The reason that sports are so popular, aside from the gambling (really, this is Youngstown) is that sports are a metaphor for life. In taekwondo this concept is called “The Way” or “Do.” And the belief is that the principles and way that you live on the training floor will translate into the way you behave off of the training floor.

When you get to the quality of the NFL or Olympic quality athletes, they are all doing the same weight training, similar practices, pretty much the same of everything.

So what separates the winners from the losers in football, the Olympics and in life is the mental game, creative visualization, NLP and self-hypnosis (you knew I was going to bring this around to NLP-hypnotherapy, didn’t you?). 

Many professional athletes know that you can use hypnotherapy to eliminate your limiting beliefs, and learn to rehearse your skills (like sales presentations) and performance through self-hypnosis including: Troy Aikman; Matt Stevens; Lance Zeno who played for the Browns and Green Bay Packers; Mark Schmidt of the Rams; Max Starks, of the Steelers; Eric Johnson of the Saints; Bill Bates, Jim Jeffcoat and Kevin Brooks Dallas Cowboys; Jeff Jaeger, Bob Golic, Steve Beuerlein, Mike Dyal of the Raiders; Pete Koch of the Chiefs; Jim Byrne LA Rams; and Lyle Alzado of both the Cleveland Browns/LA Raiders. 

“Practice does not make perfect, practice makes permanent. Perfect practice makes perfect.” 

I do not know who is responsible for that quote but the great NLP founder Dr. Richard Bandler said something quite similar when he said “If you say to yourself ‘It’s difficult to get up in the morning,’ ‘It’s hard to cease smoking,’ then you are already using hypnotic suggestions upon yourself.” 

Everyone is not an Olympian or a NFL athlete but NLP-hypnotherapy, self hypnosis and meditation can teach you to live life to a higher standard optimizing the things in life that you do well and using these same resources and to influence your sub-conscious mind in many other directions that you find amazing when you step up. 

Remember that this is not a dress rehearsal. You can and must take control of your life, quit being influenced by the media and become the only voice that directs your life.



Now, I am the voice
I will lead no follow
I will believe not doubt
I will create not destroy
I am a force for good
I am a force for God
I’m a leader
Defy the odds —-
Set a new standard —-
and step up
Step Up
STEP UP !              ~~ Tony Robbins

P.S. Please go to and LIKE the FACEBOOK page where where l present the most current health, motivational, fitness, nutrition, weight loss, smoking cessation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnotherapy, The Journey, meditation, seminars, events and programs put on by

P.P.S. These are some of the many issues that NLP-hypnotherapy can address, if you have any friends like you that might benefit from NLP-hypnotherapy, thanks in advance for recommending them to me: Dis-ease, *Agoraphobia, Allergies, Anger Management, Bed wetting, Childbirth, Chronic Pain, Dental Procedures, Distress, *Examination Anxiety, Exercise, Fears, Focused Attention, Grief, Guided Imagery, *Headache, *High Blood Pressure, Learning skills, *Medical Procedures, Memory, Motivation, Nail Biting, Performing Arts, *Phobias, *P.T.S.D., Procrastination, Public Speaking, Peaceful Sleep, *Regression, Relationship, Relaxation, Salesmanship, Self confidence, Self control, Self esteem, Sexual Enhancement, Smoking Cessation, Sports Performance, Stress Management, Study Skills, Stuttering, and Weight Loss.


Friday, August 17, 2012


Soba Cabbage Salad

This is another amazing recipe from the book The pH Miracle for Weight Loss by Dr. Robert 0. Young.

This is an amazing summer salad that I fell in love with. The challenge was to not eat the whole salad at one sitting.

Maybe this is not new to you but I’ve just discovered the Idea of using grapefruit juice in salad dressings. I just freaking love it.

Sometimes I’ll just make a salad and mix some grapeseed oil, grapefruit juice and a dash of stevia. Just simple and sooooooooooooo good. Well give this one a try and enjoy.

Ingredients: 1 head of cabbage, chopped

4 green onions, chopped.

2 Tbs. sesame seeds, toasted.

3/4 cup of chopped almonds, toasted.

1Tbs. Grapeseed oil.

1/2 package of soba noodles.

Chop the cabbage and mix with green onions. Place sesame seeds and chopped almonds in a pan and gently toast on medium heat adding the grapeseed oil after they’ve started to toast.

At the same time, Bring soba noodles that have been broke into bite sized pieces and water to a boil and boil for 4-5 minutes.

Mix the cabbage, seeds and noodles together in another bowl and then add in dressing.

Dressing: Made in another bowl though I usually use a 2 cup measuring cup.

1/2 cup of grapeseed oil.

1 medium grapefruit juiced.

3 tbs. of Innerlite dehydrated vegetable mix.

1/2 tsp of salt.

Dash of stevia or to taste.

If you are not subscribed to the Quantum Health Inner Circle e-zine Click here and enter your e-mail address in the white block to the left. as and well as all of the articles in our archive.


P.S. Please go to and LIKE the FACEBOOK page where where l present the most current health, motivational, fitness, nutrition, weight loss, smoking cessation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnotherapy, The Journey, meditation, seminars, events and programs put on by

P.P.S. These are some of the many issues that NLP-hypnotherapy can address, if you have any friends like you that might benefit from NLP-hypnotherapy, thanks in advance for recommending them to me: Dis-ease, *Agoraphobia, Allergies, Anger Management, Bed wetting, Childbirth, Chronic Pain, Dental Procedures, Distress, *Examination Anxiety, Exercise, Fears, Focused Attention, Grief, Guided Imagery, *Headache, *High Blood Pressure, Learning skills, *Medical Procedures, Memory, Motivation, Nail Biting, Performing Arts, *Phobias, *P.T.S.D., Procrastination, Public Speaking, Peaceful Sleep, *Regression, Relationship, Relaxation, Salesmanship, Self confidence, Self control, Self esteem, Sexual Enhancement, Smoking Cessation, Sports Performance, Stress Management, Study Skills, Stuttering, and Weight Loss.